WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet

WW1 German M16 Camouflage Helmet

A WW1 German M16 three colour brush applied tortoise shell camouflage helmet with black dividing lines to each segment.
A very ad hoc field brushed stahlhelm typical of the myriad of styles encountered when it comes to camouflage helmets of the trenches. The often encountered colours of tan ochre, forest green & mid brown have been utilised with black dividing lines creating a tortoise shell type effect. Showing heavy wear with some damage to paint in places the interior leather liner band is of early issue with the factory paint to underside being of the disctinct apple type green of earlier issues. Faint maker mark of G62 to shell with heavy wear to cushion holders & two of the cushions still being in situ.

Code: 14261

1550.00 GBP